Tag Archives: wine

OH, no….OH, well – moving on :)

Oh, no!  I went out for 8 miles today and it hurt – ouch.  I am not happy about this.  I am not sure why it was such a tough run.  It is gorgeous weather in Philly today – not too hot, not too cold and I got a great nights sleep, so a little concerned about the difficulty of this run.  I did have a little too much wine with some girlfriends on Friday night, but I didn’t think it would still hurt my run a day later!

The race is exactly one week away!  I know next week is going to be so much better than today given that my body is ready and there will be so much extra energy because my friends and family will be here.   I needed to get my bad run out this week so next week will be that much better, right?!  Ahhh – I am so excited 🙂

So, before I went to bed last night my stomach decided to hurt so bad, swell up and just be a pain.  I was super frustrated and couldn’t figure out what spurred this little episode, so in my frustration of trying to ease the pain with a massage and lots of water I decided it is essential that I figure out what the hell this damn tumor is all about and what this pain is still about, and how to get rid of some of the scar tissue (any thoughts?) and figure out how to be sure this never happens again!!!  Due to this, with one week left I am increasing my goal for the donation to DTRF to double of what I originally decided.  I want  to raise $5,000 for research – I know I can do it. We are at approximately $3,500 today, so I only have to do $1,500.  WE CAN DO IT – please help!!

Send the link (www.active.com/donate/sera_dtrf) to all your friends and family.  $25 or $50 gets me one step closer to this goal and some answers!!

The shirts my nephew, Ethen, designed also came in this week and they look awesome!!!   I am selling them for $15, so if you want one let me know! Email me at sera.snyder@gmail.com  Here is the pic:

Awesome shirt that Ethen designed for my campaign!

Awesome shirt that Ethen designed for my campaign!

As my Campaign nears its end, I must admit I am super excited to run and now looking forward to my next challenge.  This has been such a journey for me and now that the day is closer and closer and I know I can run 13.1 miles without pain in my stomach I feel relief and joy and pride all wrapped up together.  When I started this journey I couldn’t go a day without severe pain and major frustration.  Now I feel great – yeah, my stomach hurts a little now after my run, my hamstrings are tight and for some reason my hips hurt, but I know what pain is – severe pain and this pain is nothing close to waking up after you just got your abdominal muscles cut out of you – ouch.

Running this morning, I started to think about what my next goals are.  What will I set my sights on after the race?  I love having this focus and setting goals for myself regularly.  Since I am achieving several of my big goals for this year next week, I started a little rolling list in my head as I was running of what I would like to accomplish for the rest of the year.  I want to share it with you (talk about asking for some accountability, huh?)  Putting this out there means I want you to share in these goals too and push me along:

Before 2010 I want to….

1. Run another half marathon – I would like to run another before New Years and do it under 2 hours.  I think PDR is going to be a slower race for me, so after I want to train my body to be faster for another race.  I will have to look up just what race this might be 🙂

2. Lose 5 pounds – I am still carrying some extra weight from my surgery and I would like to kick  5 more pounds before the end of the year.

3. Help the DTRF continue on their mission to find answers by helping marketing, outreach and awareness.  I am already on this one and can’t wait to get more involved!

4.  Start doing abdominal and weight training work 2 -3 times a week in addition to my running.  I have been hesitant to do this because of the pain it causes my stomach.  I have been consistent to doing it at least once a week, but I know I can increase this to at least 2 times a week. I also want to start doing yoga at least once a week.

5. Move out of my apartment and into a new apt and new neighborhood – so close to reaching this one 🙂  Stay posted!

6. Get certified in something – either in fitness, health or coaching – I want to start adding variety to my skills.  I have several ideas in mind.  I want to have a definite list of a few things (and a start on some of them) by the end of the year.

7. Take a trip with my sister, Syna.  I miss her so much and we are looking to spend a few days together without her amazing kids – it has been so long since we have had time together.  I am super excited about this and need to finish planning.

8. Capitalize on my passions – 🙂 = Stay posted

9. Volunteer (in addition to Back on My Feet regularly) over Thanksgiving this year.  I am so fortunate I just want to give back and volunteer for those that are in need.  Anyone know of good organizations that do Thanksgiving volunteering?

10.  Overall, just be vulnerable – (my life coach will love this one) – I suck at being vulnerable, so I want to work on practice being vulnerable and being honest about who I am and how I really feel.

There you go.  10 things I want to do before 2010 – now you know all my little hopes and dreams for 2009.  What are your goals?  One thing I learned going through all of this is to live my life to the fullest and accomplish the things that really mean the most to me because you really don’t know how long you have to accomplish everything you want to do.  Do it to the best of your ability and do it now 🙂 !!

Here I come PDR  – can’t believe it is sooooo close!!!!

With gratitude,


It’s the last week, PLEASE DONATE:  www.active.com/donate/sera_dtrf

I saw this flag when I was running one morning this week. It is hard to see, but its one of the flags promoting the PDR run. I love it!! I got so excited I thought I would share it with you 🙂

PDR Flag

PDR Flag