Tag Archives: art museum

Great Week!


I am wrapping up what has proven to be the most successful week of my training thus far.  I have been AMAZED this week at how strong and resilient my body is!  I spent 2 of my training sessions indoors on the tredmill this week because of the “heat wave” that hit Philly.  I was not able to get my runs in the morning and by 6 in the evening the humidity (and rain on Wednesday) was too much for me to run outside.  Although I am not the biggest fan or indoor running, I found that I actually enjoyed my tredmill runs!

Monday I did a cool 3 miles and Wednesday I did a gratifying 5 mile interval run on the tredmill – it turned out to be a great workout that I am going to continue to sneak in my training schedule once a week to work on my “speed training.”  I have never really focused on my finishing times for the races I run and this is not at the top of my list for PDR, but I do find that doing interval and speed work helps not only increase my speed, but more importantly it really helps with my endurance – which is very important to me in my races :).   So, I guess it was Wednesday’s inspiring interval workout that must have boosted my endurance for my longest run yet which I completed today – an invigorating 8 miles!!!  After a long night last night I decided to do the 8 in the late afternoon instead of the a.m. and was so fearful of the heat, but ended up surprised that the run went great, the heat did not bother me too bad (it was 90 in Philly today) and my legs felt really great.  I ran a loop down the Schuylkill trail around the Art Museum and down Kelly Drive.  It is a run I used to do all the time and I was so happy to have the strong legs to run it once again.  I even threw in a series of 3 laps up the famous Rocky steps after mile 6 and felt great!  I am so happy, so, so happy to  be back doing the long distances and Art Museum steps and interval training – oh, how I have missed having great workouts without pain.

I’m getting stronger, feeling more confident and getting a little more excited as each day passes!  Half way through my training schedule I am on target and ready to take on the final month!


With gratitude,